Sunday, May 4, 2008

Second Autox

So yesterday the weather was real nice, christine ran the broad street run in the AM, and my run group was the later one so it worked out good. I was going to switch it up to the hankooks but the forecast was supposed to be rain, so left the kuhmo ASX's on. Overall a sort of disappointing day, but still fun:

Placed: 7 / 10
STS 71 Robert McCaughern 1992 Honda Civic

Run 1: 74.483 w/instructor + OFF Course

Run 2: 73.370 w/instructor + OFF Course

Run 3: 71.157 CLEAN RUN, Thank God!!

Run 4: 71.304 w/instructor + OFF Course

Results: Novice class 7th of 10

So yea, really started to find the limits of the car and tires yesterday. At one point across this U-turn, i totally took it too fast, let off the gas for an instant, and the car dove and started to rotate and get away from me. I was certain i was going to spin out, but by some act of god held it togther, im sure the near miss didnt help my time, but it didnt really matter as i when i gained control i had blown through a slalom. :P Overall i was trying to push the car and tires hard all day, as the event prior i didnt feel as though i had enough urgency in my driving. So overall i was just glad to get a single clean run. What didnt help this week was the instructor. Last time i had a great instructor that was helping with directions, as well as providing insight after the run. This week the instructor was trying to be insightful while driving and naturally i was listening & blowing through stuff all day. I wasnt even sure when or where i did go off course, so i believe that i made the same mistake at least twice. So that was frustrating. On the 4th run, i could have done better.... Oh well always next week, but what car to drive?

Garage update
Suzuki is in a port in baltimore awaiting dealer delivery, hatch is in peices and uninspected, whitey is dirty and tired, cabby's garden is in full bloom :P

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